Thursday, July 28

Makin Your Own Site (Easiest Way)

Today in this lengthy sort of post which I am gonna write below, I will teach you how to set up a website, get loads of traffic and earn money, step by step! In this what I will write, I can guarantee that even the people who aren’t used to this stuff will follow it quite simply.

Setting up a website :

Setting up a website can be simple as well as tedious, the way you look at it. Follow my steps and you are going to have a brand new site for yourself within a few minutes. If you think that you need the most simplest and the non-fussiest way of setting up a website, open up a new tab or window and gobto Blogger or Wordpress. If you want to try something new, just go to google and search for blogging but I still suggest you’ll use one of the above.

If you select Blogger, then just go the home page, sign in with your Google account (the one you use for Gmail, Orkut, etc.) and create a new blog. Now configure your settings and you are ready to blog.

Now, if you didn’t like Blogger (It’s too simple, not much of themes, no plugins, blah blah), use Wordpress. Believe me, if you use Wordpress, you won’t use anything else, ever! A website, Techaddicts, is fully based on Wordpress and ‘I am lovin’ it’. Now, Wordpress also has two options:

-> Go to Wordpress, sign up and set up a blog in minutes (not recommended because you can’t add much themes, and put Adsense which converts to no earning).

-> Download Wordpress, and host it on any free/paid hosting site (in details below). It will be in a .zip format. Please don’t extract it.


In case you have downloaded Wordpress, this paragraph is for you, or else you may skip it. Now, to get a free hosting, just go to Google and search for free or premium hosting, as per your budget. (I am using free hosting and there is not much of a difference). But those who’ll are sure that their site will be a hit should go for premium hosting. (Premium starts from $2 and can go upto $20 where you even get a dedicated server). Here is the comparison of some of the free webhosts, in case you’ll wanna check. Once you register to a host (preferably supporting Vista Panel), copy all your details to a notepad file (your username, your password, your FTP username and the nameservers). Now, just download this tool FileZilla, put in your FTP settings (which you will get once you login to your Vista Panel of your host). The next part will be done afterwards, now we have to go for a domain!


Domains are of two types, free and top level domains. To get a free domain, just go to or (Preference to 1st), register there and grab up any domain available. If you intend to buy a premium domain, go to Name or GoDaddy check out the domain you want (.com starts from $8.99 while .info is for jus $0.95). Once you purchase a domain or grab one for free, go to the settings page. There you will find a tab called nameservers. If there are any nameservers included, just remove it and add the ones of your host (It’s generally NS1.*****.com and NS2.*****.com where ***** refers to your host name). Now, go to your Vista Panel and under the Domains Tab, click on Addon Domains and add the domain you just purchased or grabbed for free. Just scroll down on that page and you will also get the nameservers of the website.

Setting Up Your Website:

Setting up a website is very simple if you follow my steps. Open up FileZilla which you just downloaded, give in your FTP settings and click Connect. Now, you can see the file manager of your site. Just go to the name of your website in the lower right box and go inside HtDocs. Here, upload the Wordpress zip file which was earlier downloaded. Now, just login to your cPanel, go to File Manager and then navigate to the folder where you uploaded the zip file. Now, just extract it there.

Setting Up A Database:

You are almost done creating your blog. All that is remaining is configuring your blog. So just login to your Vista Panel and go to MySQL databases. Click on Create New. Give any name for the database. The database name will be something in this format:

The username for your Vista Panel_Database Name.

Example (My database) :

Configuring and Running Your Website :

Now just go to the URL of your blog, it will give an error stating that the blog is not configured. Don’t worry, just use these and you are ready to go:

Database Name : As mentioned above

Username : Your cPanel username

Password : Your cPanel password

Local Host : You will get this data on the left side of your Vista Panel

Your website is now configured. Just go to your admin panel and check out the wonders of Wordpress!

This Is My First Post On This Blog!....Hope You Like It!!


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