Thursday, July 7

How to fully customize the look of your ROM with Metamorph

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Have you ever seen a theme online and thought, “Why can’t I just have the app drawer tab and leave the rest stock?” Or, “I wish I could change my bootscreen and leave the rest alone.”
Well, developer Stericson has found the answer. He’s a very well known dev around these parts and you can thank him for making an app called Metamorph.
Metamorph is basically an app that lets you pick apart pieces of the UI on your custom ROM and theme it however you like! So you can pick apart the pieces of themes you like and combine them to make a whole new theme catered to your liking.
The app can be a little tricky if you’re using it for the first time but that’s why I’m going to walk  you through it and gain full control over the look of your favorite ROM.                                                         

First thing to do is download Metamorph from the Market (the donate version works better than the free one).
Then find a theme (or part of a theme) that SUPPORTS Metamorph.
Here’s a list of them on XDA:…
If you want the Espresso theme by Ultra Spikey that I used in this video:…
Always perform a Nandroid or save using SwitchROM/BART before modifying any part of your ROM in case of incompatibilities.
To apply a theme, make a folder on the root of your sd card and name it “AndroidThemes”.
Then find the theme (or part of the theme) that’s compatible with your ROM and download the zip file.
Extract the zip file of the theme into the “AndroidThemes” folder.
Now, open your Metamorph app, click on the “Existing Themes” button and look through the folders until you find the .thm file.
Select it and you will be asked to apply the whole theme or parts of the theme (if its a FULL theme).
Select “Apply All” or pick the specific parts and you’re all set!
Note: Some themes or parts of a theme may require a reboot.
That wasn’t so hard, was it? Originally I was pretty hard on Metamorph simply beause I didn’t know how to use it. But now that I do, I think its a such a great idea and will provide a better user experience for anyone looking to customize the look of their custom ROM.
Thanks to all the awesome themers out there! You guys do amazing things and we all appreciate it!
Special thanks to Stericson for making this app so we could all gain a better user experience from our phones.


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