Sunday, July 10

How to Type New Rupee Symbol in Computer !

No shift or tab can help you to type the NEW INDIAN RUPEE SYMBOL. But, this software released by foradian technologies can make you type the Indian rupee symbol. According to the sources, Indian rupee symbol will make its debut on the keyboard in coming 3-4 months.But, for the enthusiasts who cannot wait for 4 months, here is the way to type the rupee symbol.
Here is the step-by-step process to type the new symbol!
2. Go to C->Windows->fonts. Copy paste the downloaded file.
3. Open Note-PAD.
4. Go to Format->font select rupee-Indian font
5. To get the rupee symbol, just press the button which is ABOVE the TAB key.

Those who cant see the grave accent key – Try “alt+0096″ – Type 0096 while holding down “alt” key on your keyboard.
That's it, the symbol is now on your screen!


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