Sunday, July 10

How to display selected friends only on your Facebook Profile Page!

You may have heard that Facebook gives importance to Privacy. That's the reason why many of us like it. They allows us to customize most of the widgets and information in the profilepage easily.
But had you ever thought that you could even edit the widget like the Friends box, which shows random result. Facebook has options for this too. Even though many other social networking sites like like orkut, twitter etc too have these features, only Facebook values our privacy and helps us customize this.
Remember that, there are many users who evaluate you, just by looking at your friends. They may rate you just by checking your friends. If they see a John Chow or Problogger, you may be someone respectful for them and if your profile shows pictures of your colleagues (its random, so it can be anyone), they will surely skip you. So instead of all these just highlight the pictures of somefriends, whom everyone respects and make others see only them in your Friends box, in theprofile page.
While many facebook users have hundreds, if not thousands of facebook friends Some people may find they are looking at random faces from years gone by every time the look at there facebook profile. This neat little trick will show you how to display certain friends that you select all the time on yourfacebook profile. You can also select how many friends are shown.
A little-known feature in Facebook that enables you to decide who shows up in that Friends box on your facebook profile page. Click that edit pencil in your Friends box and type the names of your best friends in the box that says Always show these friends
Facebook is full of little known tricks like this and it is obvious when you know its there but until you know it is a big big secret.


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