Thursday, July 7

Create a Upside Down Status for Facebooʞ !

If you’ve been on Facebook long enough, you’ve probably noticed a few people posting upside down status updates. They sure do think they’re clever don’t they?!  Yes, you too can be the envy of all of your friends and family by posting your updates so that people have to look silly by tilting their heads upside down so they can read it.
Most of the people you’ve seen doing this have likely installed a Facebook app just to do so. However, I dislike installing apps because you always have to provide permissions to those applications to access your profile. A better approach is to use the free online application at FlipText to generate your upside down status update.
Simply copy the upside down text from the lower text box, paste it into your Facebook status box and post!

As you can see that the Title of this post have a "Upside Down" K like this ʞ I used this website to do this ! to show it to you as an Example !


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