Friday, September 2

PlusClout Brings Clout Score To Google+

Yes I meant Clout, not Klout! The makers of have launchedPlusClout, a service that measures social influence on Google+. The site borrows the idea from Klout and adapts it to Google+. The site takes into consideration data from to arrive at the score. With 15 million public Google+ profiles and items shared (posts, comments, +1′s etc.), PlusClout uses numerous public variables like number of followers, frequency and volume of information sharing etc. Mix in some mathematics and you have a PlusClout score.
So, who are the most influential people on Google+? No surprises, they are all geeks! Marissa Mayer(Google), Kevin Rose (Square), Vic Gundotra(Google), Guy Kawasaki(AllTop) and Robert Scoble(Rackspace) have made it to the list with a score of 95+.
Joining the ranks at the bottom of the table is none other than Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg with a score of “0″. Its evident from his Google+ profile that he joined Google+ out of curiosity and with no posts till date, a score of zero seems fair.


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