Thursday, September 8

Appin IT Security Company's Website Xss Vulnerability Found by Mr. F@LTu

Indian Leading IT security company Appin student portal now xss, buffer overflow and remote code execution Vulnerable. IT Professional  Mr. F@LTu found these Vulnerability in Leading IT Security Company. Company clam to give security most of Government and indian Business websites. 
Now it's time for get your own website secure and upgrade Student Portal Server. 
Message : No One is secure, try to make it complex.
Vulnerable website :
Status: Not Fix Yet .
More hacks by Mr. F@ltu:
University of Rajasthan website SQLi Vulnerability Found by Mr. F@LTu
Networknuts Website SQLi Vulnerability Found by Mr. F@LTu
Chartered Accountant [ CA ] Website SQL Injection Vulnerability Found by Mr. F@LTu
Pakistan Science Foundation Government Website Hacked and Vulnerable Link disclose By Mr. F@LTu
Pakistan Quaid-i-azam University Website hacked and Database Exposed by Mr. F@LTu
Source--> News-H


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