After the hacking gang Anonymous took credit for defacing Syria's Ministry of
Defense Website, a Syrian group retaliated on Monday by posting gruesome photos on Anonymous embryonic social network. The defacement of AnonPlus (, the site Anonymous set up last month when it was booted off Google+ — did not include the name of the group responsible. The University of Toronto's Citizen Lab, however, credited the AnonPlus defacement to the 'Syrian Electronic Army' in a message posted to Twitter. 'In response to your hacking to the website of the Syrian Ministry of Defence, the Syrian people have decided to purify the internet of [y]our pathetic website,' the defacement read
Where as Anonymous Claim that, AnonPlus is not their any Official site. Lulzsec leader Sabu tweet "Turns out people were correct: was a troll domain. Belongs to "fro" aka "cnaperth" aka "Adam Bennett" from Perth, Aussie."
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