Tuesday, August 9

Syrian Hackers Deface AnonPlus - Anonymous Social Network

After the hacking gang Anonymous took credit for defacing Syria's Ministry of
Defense Website, a Syrian group retaliated on Monday by posting gruesome photos on Anonymous embryonic social network. The defacement of AnonPlus (http://anonplus.com/), the site Anonymous set up last month when it was booted off Google+ — did not include the name of the group responsible. The University of Toronto's Citizen Lab, however, credited the AnonPlus defacement to the 'Syrian Electronic Army' in a message posted to Twitter. 'In response to your hacking to the website of the Syrian Ministry of Defence, the Syrian people have decided to purify the internet of [y]our pathetic website,' the defacement read

Where as Anonymous Claim that, AnonPlus is not their any Official site. Lulzsec leader Sabu tweet "Turns out people were correct: anonplus.com was a troll domain. Belongs to "fro" aka "cnaperth" aka "Adam Bennett" from Perth, Aussie."


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